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On Wednesday 23 February 2011 10:53:49 Regular Joe wrote:
> Hello users of lua-l,
> Since this is my first time on this Mailinglist, I thought I might as well
> start with an introduction
> to a project I have been working on since the past weeks.
> In short, it consists of a pure Lua CGI Implementation, that also supports
> RHTML-alike templates as used by the
> CGILua project in Keplerproject.
> HOWEVER CGI.Lua is not related to CGILua - But let me explain:
>  + It appears that CGILua is more like a wsgi module for Lua, and not so
> much like a bareboned CGI Interface
>  + The usage of CGILua is fairly non-trivial - or so it seems (just dumping
> my personal experience here)
>  + Installation also seems a little quirky
> So instead of attempting to fix a project whose API I simply couldn't quite
> peep through, I have decided to
> sit down a minute and crank together an entirely new API.
> The usage is as simple as the following:
>     CGI = require("CGI")
>     cgi = CGI()
>     cgi:sendHeader(200, "Content-Type", "text/html")
>     cgi:write("Hello World")
> Or with Templates:
>     index.cgi:
>         CGI = require("CGI")
>         env = {}
>         env.words = {"Hello", "World"}
>         cgi = CGI()
>         cgi:sendHeader(200, "Content-Type", "text/html")
>         cgi:include("mainpage.lsp", env)
>     mainpage.lsp:
>         <p>
>             <% for _, word in pairs(words) do %>
>                 <i><%= word %></i>&nbsp;
>             <% end %>
>         </p>
> The template engine is in fact copied from the Kepler Project, mainly
> because it works too well to rewrite it (many thanks to the Kepler Project
> at this point!) ;-)
> The website for CGI.lua is hosted at sourceforge:
> Also, the website of CGI.lua is a fullfledged Wiki Clone I have written
> using CGI.lua (and luamars from Mars for Operating System stuff, another
> project of mine:
> The wiki engine isn't opensource yet, because i'm no webdesigner, and i'd
> rather like to hear some opinions first... :-)
> CGI.lua is naturally licensed under the same license as Lua, the famous
> MIT/X11 License, fair trade as it should be. :-)
> I look forward to opinions and criticism!

What I'd like to see is example code showing a picklist and form to do CRUD.

Another improvement would be if your website listed commercial web hosts, of 
all prices, that have Lua installed.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package