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On 02/18/11 11:23, Emil Renner Berthing wrote:
> Mmm.. the event machine itself isn't a library. It's a standalone interpreter
> with a libev event loop, which the lem-* libraries can hook in to plus a few
> other functions libraries can use to resume coroutines or exit the event
> loop.

Unfortunately my main use case for this sort of thing is to include it
as a component in one of my own applications --- so I have my own
customised interpreter that would include LEM *plus* various other bits
of functionality pulled from elsewhere. As such GPL is problematic.

As an example, WordGrinder consists of a single binary containing Lua,
LFS, and a big chunk of my own code, and so I wouldn't be able to run it
using LEM's interpreter.

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "Thou who might be our Father, who perhaps may be in Heaven, hallowed
│ be Thy Name, if Name Thou hast and any desire to see it hallowed..."
│ --- _Creatures of Light and Darkness_, Roger Zelazny

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