Hi, I'm working with Lua 5.1.4. I have question on modules that have both C and Lua funtions.
I have a vendor library that I've written a C-wrapper for. I'm trying to make that wrapper work like a module from PILv2. The library is libihcfg and has a function luaopen_ihcfg.
I also have some Lua functions that I would like to include in the module. They're all sugar to help things like initialization and lookups. They look like
function ihcfg.setVectors(o)
-- stuff
How should I set things up so that they're included with the require? I don't see any easy way to combine the chunk of functions with the C library. There's a paragraph in the PILv2 on p145 that mentions modules with C and Lua functions, but no details/
Should I just call this script "ihcfg.lua" and put it in the path so that require finds it and have the script call something like
local clib = require "Cihcfg"
And copy the clib functions into the ihcfg table?
Assuming, of course, that I rename libihcfg to libCihcfg?