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> Could we start nominating people to take the lead on developing the standard
> libraries?

How'bout a dedicated wiki + mailing list? It's the closest thing that
comes to mind in lack of a more specialized platform for "open API
design". Each wiki page describes a function, pair of functions or
group of related functions as the case demands. Arguments pro and
against can be presented and backed up with use cases, alternative
proposals, etc. ad nauseam. In time a natural triage should occur:
popular functions, controversial functions, functions that only one
guy needs, etc.

The homepage would list strong policies and guidelines on what this
whole "secondary Lua vocabulary" library is and what it should
include, and also what is it not and what it should NOT include, so
that people will have some direction and guidance so that the wiki
doesn't turn to garbage and mercilessly refactoring is allowed to
happen without people getting upset on the decisions. Hot policies
would get their own space for debate till cooling off in agreement :)

After a while, personal collections of selections of the best
functions would start appearing and would again be discussed and
compared ad nauseam. In the end, one (or two) would win the popularity
contest, and finally turn into a library.

The key idea is to give individual functions a chance to compete, and
have the competition between modules and finally between full library
proposals run in parallel.

Anyone dares to try it? :)