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* On 2010-11-25 Gilles Ganault <> wrote  :

> 	My work host is an x86 Ubuntu, and I'm trying to rewrite the
> src/Makefile to cross-compile Lua 5.1.4 for the Blackfin CPU with the
> uClinux distro.
> I can successfully cross-compile the usual "Hello, world" C test
> source, but I get the following error when running "make generic":
> /opt/uClinux/bfin-uclinux/lib/gcc/bfin-uclinux/4.1.1/../../../../bfin-uclinux/bin/ld.real:
> lua.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
> /opt/uClinux/bfin-uclinux/lib/gcc/bfin-uclinux/4.1.1/../../../../bfin-uclinux/bin/ld.real:
> lua.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
> lua.o: could not read symbols: File in wrong format

This last line often means the object file is for the wrong
architecture so the linker does not know how to handle this. Are you
sure all objects are made with the bfin-uclinux-gcc ? Maybe some of the
.o's were built earlier with your native compiler ? 

You can check with something like 'file *.o', all object files should
be listed with the same architecture.
