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2010/11/25 steve donovan <>
On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 3:14 AM, starwing <> wrote:
> why not do this in semantics? e.g. for multi return value function f()
> return 4,5,6 end:
> {f(), 1,2,3} == {4,5,6,1,2,3} --> different
> {(f()), 1,2,3} == {4,1,2,3} --> as the same

The trouble is that a lot of Lua code would mysteriously break, since
we have internalized the 'only expand at end' rule.

So there was a proposal to make ... mean expand:


which would also apply to function arguments.

steve d

this seems feasible... is this rule acceptable for the mainline of lua language?

maybe we can accept a convert script to convert old code to new rule. IMHO the history should not become the stumbling block.