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2010/11/19 Cosmin Apreutesei <>
> There you go:
> Thanks Renato for packing a release. :)
> -- Hisham

That was fast :) Thanks.

why not do this in semantics? e.g. for multi return value function f() return 4,5,6 end:

{1,2,3,f()} == {1,2,3,4,5,6} --> as the same
{1,2,3,(f())} == {1,2,3,4}  --> as the same
{f(), 1,2,3} == {4,5,6,1,2,3} --> different
{(f()), 1,2,3} == {4,1,2,3} --> as the same

has any discuss or reason to use current semantics?