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On 03/11/2010 07:30, steve donovan wrote:
Ant is actually well designed - pity about the XML. I agree with Guido
van Rossum that XML should not be written by people.

I agree. I finally went for Gradle for my Scala build needs, and it allows to use Ant tasks, like running Java, making jars or zips or just copying a folder, along with a much friendlier syntax (Groovy - I don't know the language, but it is easy enough to use in such environment). Yet, it is 22MB to download, 37MB after installation (a good 14MB being doc, though, and 3MB of source). Lot of dependencies like Ant ifself (2MB), Groovy (3MB), Eclipse (3MB), Ivy and Maven (dependencies management, 2MB) and lot of Web-related stuff (Jetty, Web server, JSP and servlets, etc., 2MB), among other tools.

I dreamed of using LuaJ (easy connection to Java API) or Kahlua or other "pure" ports of Lua to Java to drive the Ant API with a friendly syntax (would have been Luant, perhaps...) in a lightweight solution. But well, lack of time (which drove me off Lake for this usage too) made me go for the easier road of a pre-baked (even if bloated) solution. :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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