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On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 2:14 AM, steve donovan wrote:

> Very cool!  Just had to add -I/usr/include/lua5.1 for it to build on Debian.

If you want to avoid editing the Makefile you can do:
  % make EXTRA_CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/lua5.1

> There is an alarming little typo in the example at the start of the
> documentation:
> win = xc:active_win()
> This method should be 'get_active_win'

Argh, I renamed the function but missed it in the docs,
thanks for catching it. It's fixed now in xctrl-2010-10-26.

> PS. Entertaining to use on the command-line; you can send your
> terminal to the next desktop...

And if you type really fast you can follow it over there, too :-)

> PPS. It would make a good rock.  Would you like me to package it?

That would be great!

 - Jeff