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On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 09:34:21AM -0400, Patrick wrote:

> Thanks so much for sharing this. I did not know that XPM was just
> text, this will really help with another project I am working on. I
> also see that GIMP works with XPM so we can also do some quite
> complex things with it too.

Some hints:

All of luas quote character can appear in XPM, also "]]" could appear.
In my project I try to avoid conflicts by using [==[ ... ]==]

While the number of colors is not limited, the format is best when
you limit the number of colors to 90 (+transparency) or less.
Otherwise files can get very large.

It only supports simple transparency, 
ie. a pixel is just either visible or not.

> I noticed the icon difference too. Does anyone know how to assign
> the XPM image to all .lua files in Linux?

Install the xdg-utils and read the manpage for xdg-mime,
especially the section "Examples".
The mime type for lua ist "text/x-lua".

see also
