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I really like the interface. Have you tried to compare its performance cost with other bindings?


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Pierre KRIEGER <> wrote:

I've recently started using lua and I was looking for an easy-to-use
but powerful C++-to-lua library. I looked at all the libraries of but none of them 100 %
satisfied me

So I started working a few days ago on my own library which you can
discover here:

The idea was to create an interface as easy to use as possible, but
still to allow everything that is possible with traditional lua. For
example you can bind a C++ function like this (C++0x's lambda
writeVariable("funcName", std::function<int (int)>([](int x) { return
x + 2; } ));

The library is using C++0x so it will only compile with most recent
compilers (GCC 4.6 should be ok, MSVC++ 2010 is ok though it doesn't
entirely support the new C++ standard).
I also use boost for its mutex implementation because MSVC++ doesn't
provide the new <thread> header yet.

I'm posting here to ask you what you think of this library
There is still a lot to do, but I think the library is already usable
I coded this library for myself, but if you have ideas for
improvements or if you want to use it in your own projects, I
encourage you to do so

Thank you

Binh Nguyen
Computer Science Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY, 12180