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On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 03:09:30PM -0400, Patrick wrote:
> packagers and developers but is it the case that Ubuntu's search
> structure is different then other Linux Distros? I always seem to

Because "Linux" has an almost standard filesystem layout (FHS) that Debian
(and its derivatives) try to enforce, and while /usr/ is handled by the
package manager of your distribution, /usr/local/ is not, and is meant
for stuff you compiled and installed by hand. 

Thus, it is perfectly OK for an hand compiled Lua to look in /usr/local,
and it is perfectly reasonable for a packaged Lua to look in /usr/.

> feel like I have to state this in every thread I am involved in but
> I am not like the rest of you. I am not a Lua Jedi Knight, I fix
> spectrometers and screw around with computer programming when I can.
> Is Ubuntu the best Distro for someone like me? I was not aware that

This is what a distro is for. Not having to compile stuff by yourself.
Clearly, mixing packaged stuff with hand made one, requires you to know
what you are doing.

Just use the packaged stuff, or eventually LuaRocks.

Any distro has his strenghts and weaknesses. My biased opinion is that
Ubuntu is good for you, as along as you use it and not do thinks by
hand. Nevertheless, breaking things is the best way to learn how they
work IMO.

Enrico Tassi