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I'm thinking on a GSoC proposal for a C-like language that would take cues from Lua.

The problem with most new compiled languages is that they try to do stuff that Lua does, like garbage collection, neglecting the fact that the whole reason that you USE a compiled language like C is _you want to write a garbage collector_.

The biggest "theme" from Lua would be the blurred distinction between stuff like namespaces and structs (it would be differentiated by, essentially, constant folding.)

On Sun, 23 May 2010 19:16:16 -0700, Patrick <> wrote:

I can program in a few dynamic languages but the only compiled one I know is C.

C is perfect in several ways, it can run on "bare metal", it's small and fast but I can't transfer several useful concepts from Lua back to C. Simple code like this seems problematic to me in C:
SomeTable= {Lua = "fun", a = 1, b = 2, c = 1 + 2}

Is there another complied language that is similar to Lua?

Thanks for reading-Patrick