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----- Original Message -----
From: Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
Date: 4/27/2010 5:05 AM
My version of lmd5 has this useful function.  It calculates the MD5 of
an entire file and does so from C code.
const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 32768;
     unsigned char* buffer;
Use a fixed buffer of size BUFSIZ.  No need to malloc anything.
fread buffers data anyway. No need to buffer it more than that.
Well, this was written years ago, and it was tuned to certain data access patterns.

To check, according to Process Monitor running on Windows 7, I found that default fread() using BUFSIZ (512 bytes) reads in 4,096 bytes at a time. fread(), then, hits the disk 8 times more often than the version of the code I have. This is implementation dependent, of course, but there you go.
     fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
Just read until fread returns zero. If you want to check for errors,
call ferror at the end.
I think the original code read the entire file into memory and calculated the MD5 in one fell swoop. Then it evolved into its current form.

When I have some time to test the updates, I'll be sure to integrate the shorter forms you've suggested.

