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2010/4/22 "J.Jørgen von Bargen" <>:
> Hi folks.
> I'm using LuaForWindows (migrating from perl for various reasons) and I
> wonder, how to calculate MD5 over huge files (e.g. ISO-Files).
> In perl I can add files via a handle to a sum (excuse the use of a foreign
> language in this group ;-)
>   $MD5->reset;
>   open(FILE,$file) or die "open($file) failed($!)\n";
>   binmode(FILE);
>   $MD5->addfile(*FILE);
>   close(FILE);
>   my $hex=$MD5->hexdigest;
> In lua I've only found the module md5, which provides
>    md5.sumhexa(message)
> but this requires reading the whole message into memory, which is quite
> impossible for 7GB large files.
> Is there any other solution?

You can use LuaCrypto :

require 'crypto'

local evp ='md5')

local file = or "bigfile.iso", "rb")
while true do
	local chunk = file:read(16*1024) -- 16kB at a time
	if not chunk then break end
