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I've been using Lua to manage GLSL files for a while as well.  For my
needs, I wanted the files to have a more data description feel, which
Lua does nicely.  The functions in the file end up calling into C++
with the entire file returning a C++ object representing a shader.
Here's what a Lua file looks like:

	name = "mat.phong.shl",
	description = [[ per-pixel lighting model ]],
	language = "GLSL",
	parameters = {
		Parameter {
			{0., 0., 0., 1.},
			name = "La", type = "vec4",
			description = "ambient light",

.... continues ....

For handling GLSL 120 v. 130, I would probably add a version field to
the description.  Anyway, hope this provides food for thought.  Thanks
for the article!
