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Am 03.04.2010 09:25, schrieb M Joonas Pihlaja:
On Sat, 3 Apr 2010, "J.Jørgen von Bargen" wrote:
And as I dont believe, you will enter this lot of binary data by
hand, but will use some loaded or generated data as source, why dont
you put these into a own files?
If I could open files in my use case I could just read the data from a
file and not bother with any of this malarky. :)
So, then, please tell us more about your use case, the we could help you more in your solution. ;-)

I use some similar methods, where I need to include some binary-font data in my script and I only want to distribute /one/ file.
I compile it with
    luac -s -o application.luac usebindata.lua bindata.lua
and the distrubute only the luac file.

Regards Jørgen