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GrayFace schrieb:
Why only 90??

On 17.01.2010 16:14, bb wrote:
bb schrieb:
phlnc8 schrieb:
I could not understand how to get a trully randomic integer. Suppose I need
50 randomic integers each time I call a function. Serching in

Assuming you want to print 50 uniform random integers between 0 and 100:

    for i=1,50 do

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Luciano de Souza
<> wrote:

Hi all,

I could not understand how to get a trully randomic integer. Suppose I need 50 randomic integers each time I call a function. Serching in documentation, I found two functions in Math module: math.random and math.randomseed.

The first one is not what I want. Calling it, I got always the same 50 numbers. In Pascal, before using random functions, it's necessary to call "randomize" which starts the randomic number generator. I don't know if it's
also necessary in Lua.

But I try to use math.randomseed. The first tesst is:


print(math.randomseed(0, 100))

Despite no errors, I dindn't get anything. So I ask: how to obtain 50
different integers each time I call the randoms functions?

Luciano de Souza

One correction:
Because of floor() You get numbers between 0 and 99. That might be important for some applications. One can see that in simulating a dice:


Regards BB

One more correction: You get numbers between 0 and 90 only!

Sorry, I had a (hopefully) momentarily imbecility.

99 is correct!