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2009/12/7 Mike Pall <>:
> Since there has been considerable interest for an x64 port, I've
> initiated a corporate sponsorship program for LuaJIT. You can read
> more about the current status and how to contribute here:
> The goal of the current sponsorship campaign is to raise EUR 20,000
> (approx. $ 30,000) for the x64 port of LuaJIT 2.0. Any funds raised
> beyond this goal will be used for further enhancements of LuaJIT on
> all platforms.

This is very good news as far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately I have
currently no way to give money as a company. Does someone has an idea
on how to incorporate personal donations within the constraints
exposed by Mike Pall ? Would that be possible for someone's company to
setup a PayPal account, and forward the money gathered as a corporate
sponsorship to Mike ? Would that have a cost ?