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2009/12/4 Sam Roberts <>:
> There are some problems with the build system.


now I've fixed the problem, I've updated the subversion repository at
savannah and also uploaded the source tarball


but be aware that savannah mirrors can be updated with several hours of delay.

Now in makeconfig you have the following lines:


and now you can compile GSL shell as a module that works with vanilla
Lua by disabling complex numbers and enabling BUILD_LUA_DLL. In this
case the short syntax extension is automagically disabled. Please
note, anyway, that without complex you will miss the important FFT

In order to make it works I've made an overhauling of the Makefile
but, more important I've included the agg_platfrom_support stuff in my
directory because a modified version was needed. The reason is because
when we load it as a module we cannot pas through WinMain and so we
need to initialize some stuff in the internal of agg_platform_support.

I believe it is nice to have a module that allows to do numerical
computations and graphics just by loading it from a standard lua
binary. in addition, it also works on Windows and Linux!!

I've also created a 'igsl-std.lua' file to me used instead of 'igsl'
when gsl is loaded as a Lua module.

To test the module you can do:
> require 'gsl'
> require 'igsl-std' -- not strictly required
> dofile('examples/plot-gsl.lua')
> p = demo1()
> p:show()

Be aware, I've tried to test all the possible configurations but
errors are still possible.

Best regards,

PS: I'll give a look to your article on non-recursive makefiles. Thank you.