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On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Francesco Abbate <> wrote:
> module use the AGG library to provides graphics primitives for
> producing beautiful plotting. For the moment the API is not complete
> but I have already all the functions to cover 90% of typical user
> needs for plotting functions. I'm planning also to develop an
> higher-level module entirely written in Lua to provide more simple and
> higher level plotting functions.

Well done, Francesco!  The plots are indeed good looking, and I'm glad
that you avoided the old Gnuplot mess.

Being lazy and overworked, I took the easy way out, tried out the
Windows binaries.  To get the plot demos working, I had to open a
command shell in the examples directory, run ..\gsl-shell and then use
dofile 'plot.lua'.

..\gsl_shell plot.lua

Does not work directly, but does if you put '' as the last
line to prevent the process from just dying.

steve d.

PS the more I play with things like |x| x*(x-1), I wish that this
syntax was supported in vanilla Lua. A very convenient bit of
syntactical sugar if you are fond of the functional style.