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> It would be cool if the code was syntax-colorized. Any suggestions?

The easiest way to do this is using a Java Script library, letting the
syntax highlighting happen on the client side. There are many
different ones available. Not all support Lua, but some do. Sérgio
Medeiros and I recently wrote a Lua plugin for Alex Gorbatchev's
SyntaxHighlighter ( Here is a quick

The code is at:

There is also a Lua module that encapsulates SyntaxHighlighter for
anyone is interested in integrating it into a Lua web application.
(The Lua module basically gives you a function for generating
customized JavaScript that you can then serve to the client - handy if
you want _all_ of your requests to be answers by Lua.) We can release
it as a rock if there is interest.

- yuri