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----- Original Message -----
From: steve donovan
Date: 5/28/2009 12:12 AM
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 1:33 AM, David Burgess <> wrote:
Further, here is a minmal list of candidates for osex inclusion:
These can be done efficiently enough in Lua
FWIW, I have an extended version of lua-ex at svn://  It does the following above and beyond the original lua-ex:

* Documentation on all APIs is included in the doc/ directory.
* It compiles on Mac OS X.
* Renamed currentdir() to getcwd().
* Added chmod().
* mkdir() recursively makes directory trees.
* The replacement os.remove() has been extended to recursively destroy directory trees.
* spawn() understands the following new fields: show - Show the application window (Windows only).  shell - Run the application with cmd /C (Windows only).
* Properly closes pipes under Lua 5.1.
* Added a C-runtime-like access() function.
* On Windows, the pipe() function takes an optional parameter to determine whether the pipe should be opened with "rt" or "wt" (like fopen) instead of the binary-only "r" or "w".
* I added the wiki's windows.reg module.  It has been extended with get_path() and set_path() functions.
* The nasty automatic quoting of Windows arguments for spawn() has been removed.
* ex.popen() and ex.popen2() are available, saving the user from duplicating popen2() from the example over and over.
* ex.lines() is a nice iterator for spawning processes and reading their output.

In addition, I extended lua-ex with a nice set of path manipulation functions:

* os.path.add_extension(path, extension): Adds extension to the end of path even if one already exists.
* os.path.add_slash(path): Adds a slash to the end of path if it doesn't already exist.
* os.path.append(leftPath, rightPath): Appends leftPath and rightPath together, adding a slash between the two path components. If rightPath is an absolute path, it is not appended to leftPath and is returned directly.
* os.path.combine(leftPath, rightPath): Combines leftPath and rightPath, adding a slash between the two path components and simplifying the path by collapsing . and .. directories. If rightPath is an absolute path, it is not appended to leftPath and is returned directly.
* os.path.escape(path): Properly escapes and quotes path, if needed.
* os.path.exists(path): Returns true if path exists, false otherwise.
* os.path.find_extension(path): For the given path, return the index of the extension. Returns nil if the path has no extension.
* os.path.find_filename(path): For the given path, return the index of the filename.
* os.path.get_extension(path): For the given path, return the extension.
* os.path.is_directory(path): Returns true if path is a directory, false otherwise.
* os.path.is_file(path): Returns true if path is a file, false otherwise.
* os.path.is_relative(path): Returns true if path is relative, false otherwise.
* os.path.is_root(path): Returns true if path is a root path, false otherwise.
* os.path.is_unc(path): Returns true if path is a UNC path, false otherwise.
* os.path.make_absolute(path): Converts path into an absolute path, simplifying the path as necessary.
* os.path.make_backslash(path): Convert any forward slashes in path to backslashes.
* os.path.make_slash(path): Convert any backslashes in path to slashes.
* os.path.match(path, wildcard): Returns true if the wildcard matches path, false otherwise.
* os.path.remove_directory(path): Removes the directory component from path.
* os.path.remove_extension(path): Removes the extension component from path.
* os.path.remove_filename(path): Removes the filename component from path.
* os.path.remove_slash(path): Removes the trailing slash from path.
* os.path.replace_extension(path, extension): Replaces the extension of path with the new one specified in extension.
* os.path.simplify(path): Simplifies path by collapsing . and .. directories and removing multiple directory slashes.
* os.path.split(path): Splits path into directory and filename components. Returns both the directory and filename.
* os.path.trim(path): Trims whitespace from the beginning and end of path.
* os.path.unescape(path): Unescapes path.
