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On 07/02/2009 17:32, Timm S. Mueller wrote:

SVG-Version (Inkscape):

Regarding the logo, I see a slight copyright ambiguity here. Somebody
named Soursquirrel re-constructed the logo and placed it on Wikimedia
Commons. This is the logo I was using:

Ah? I made a (hand-coded) SVG version some years ago, when I was playing/learning this format.
See and

Note that Firefox 3.0 still does an awful job of rendering these logos while Adobe SVG Viewer displays them OK. Opera 9.50 isn't better than Firefox, Safari 3.1 is much better except for text.
Batik 1.7 rasterizes them correctly.

I have put a copyright information in the meta section of the files, I hope I got it right. As stated in the message, my version of the logo is free to use, of course.

Back to your poster, I find it indeed nice and readable (dense, information-wise).
I usually add Lua is easy to learn, but I suppose people coding for embedded devices doesn't have an issue with that...

I just cringe when I see 'k' standing for kilobytes, but perhaps it is common usage in your world... :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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