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> Regarding the logo, I see a slight copyright ambiguity here.

Isn't the text in the PostScript programs clear? The main point is the
first paragraph, of course.

% Copyright (C) 1998-2000. All rights reserved.
% Graphic design by Alexandre Nakonechnyj (
% PostScript programming by the Lua team (
% Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license 
% or royalty fees, to use, copy, and distribute this logo for any purpose, 
% including commercial applications, subject to the following conditions: 
% * The origin of this logo must not be misrepresented; you must not
%   claim that you drew the original logo. We recommend that you give credit
%   to the graphics designer in all printed matter that includes the logo.
% * The only modification you can make is to adapt the orbiting text to
%   your product name.
% * The logo can be used in any scale as long as the relative proportions 
%   of its elements are maintained.