On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:05:57 -0200
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <lhf@tecgraf.puc-rio.br> wrote:
Would there be any objections against doing so, and is there any
recommendable material for cases like this?
No objections. See
http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-11/msg00248.html for specific
reasons why Lua is a good choice also for constrained devices like
cell phones.
Ok. My goal was to create a poster in A1 format (594 x 841mm), summing
up "Why should I use Lua" on an embedded systems fair as precisely and
in as few words as possible. This is not my profession and I am not
exactly good at this, but I tried to produce a half-decent document. I
invite everybody to comment on it and to help me improve it. I have
it under a Creative Commons license (see metadata), so that it can be
reused and modified by everyone.
SVG-Version (Inkscape):
Regarding the logo, I see a slight copyright ambiguity here. Somebody
named Soursquirrel re-constructed the logo and placed it on Wikimedia
Commons. This is the logo I was using:
At any rate, your suggestions and corrections are welcome.
- Timm
Timm S. Mueller <tmueller@schulze-mueller.de>,
Schulze & Mueller GbR, Erbacher Straße 26, 64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim,
Gesellschafter: Franciska Schulze, Timm S. Mueller,
Tel. +49 6257 648853-0, http://www.schulze-mueller.de/