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>  >> int my_func( lua_State *L ) {
>  >> try {
>  >> // blah-blah, possible call funcs from some library
>  >> // call to some Lua function raising error
>  >> // blah, once again
>  >> }
>  >> catch( myexception ) { /* do some great work */ }
>  >> catch( void* ) { throw; /* conceivably Lua exception? */ }
>  >> catch( ... ) { /* general error suicide ;) */ }
>  >> }

>  >> using 'catch( void* )' is weird a lot, no one cannot be sure an
>  >> another code isn't raising somthing casting to void*.

>  AG> Why would you want to catch Lua exceptions outside of Lua code? Why
>  AG> not use pcall?

> I don't want, I want to pass them up. I want to catch everything
> but Lua's ones

I see. One option is to insert pcall inside try block. It should catch
Lua exceptions leaving other exceptions to the outer catch'es (think
of it as of equivalent of nesting one try-catch inside another).
