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On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Peter Kümmel wrote:
Leo Razoumov wrote:

/*file n1/mylib.c (will become n1/ */

But then we need for each namespace a shared library, or I am wrong?


Actually not. You can put multiple calls to luaL_register into a single luaopen_XXXX function

int luaopen_Qt(lua_State *pL)
	luaL_register(pL, "Qt.core", qt_core);
	lua_settop(pL, 1); //prevents polluting Lua stack
	luaL_register(pL, "Qt.qui", qt_qui);
	lua_settop(pL, 1); //prevents polluting Lua stack
	luaL_register(pL, "", qt_network);
	lua_settop(pL, 1); //prevents polluting Lua stack
	luaL_register(pL, "Qt.script", qt_script);

	return 1;

now require"Qt" will execute luaopen_Qt and populate all the Qt namespaces

require "Qt"
local myapp=
local tmp  =
