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On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Peter Kümmel wrote:
I also think A_B_C isn't perfect, but more important is the fact that
extracting namespaces from the header files works.

With a simple binding, like slb, and a simplified generator we could
easily change such things. At the moment only Mauro knows the generator
code good enough to change it.


Why so complicated. Lua package/module framework is very flexible and has
a natural support for namespaces. For instance, standard Lua API function
"luaL_register" has a nice property that if called as

luaL_register(L, "N.M.mylib", mylib);

it will create nested tables so that is the way to call "foo" function from mylib.

Below is a pseudo-example:

/*file n1/mylib.c (will become n1/ */

static const struct luaL_Reg  n1_mylib [] = {
	{"foo", lwrap_n1_foo}, /*wrap n1::foo*/
	{"bar", lwrap_n1_bar}, /*wrap n1::bar*/

int luaopen_n1_mylib(lua_State *pL)
	luaL_register(pL, "n1.mylib", n1_mylib);

/*file n2/mylib.c (will become n2/ */

static const struct luaL_Reg  n2_mylib [] = {
	{"foo", lwrap_n2_foo}, /*wrap n2::foo*/
	{"bar", lwrap_n2_bar}, /*wrap n2::bar*/

int luaopen_n2_mylib(lua_State *pL)
	luaL_register(pL, "n2.mylib", n2_mylib);


Now in a

--file test.lua

require "n1.mylib"
require "n2.mylib" --foo from namespace n1 (via lwrap_n1_foo) --foo from namespace n2 (via lwrap_n2_foo)

Hope it helps.