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Congrats on the book and thanks to those that contributed, in any small

Now, what IS the reading list for Lua, besides "lua list" ?

Let's see, I got:

Lua 5.1 Ref manual (bought it on principal to support the cause)
Programming in Lua 2nd Edition  
Beginning Lua Programming (WROX)
Game Development With Lua - (Charles River Media).

I purchased the "Game Dev...." book because I didn't see a lot on the
market, but was a general waste compared to the PIL book, sigh.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Roberto
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:19 AM
To: Lua list
Subject: Re: [ANN] Lua Programming Gems now available at Amazon

> I noticed errata, too. Hope you don't mind:

Not at all. Many thanks!

-- Roberto