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On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 15:27:28 -0500
 "Matthew M. Burke" <> wrote:
Asko Kauppi wrote:

It's just in the beginning. OS X and Gtk+ work fine, although there's not much to see, yet (mouse & keyboard events need to be tied in etc.). Also, I want to make a new Cairo binding for this.


In your TODO file you mention making a .dmg available for OSX:

That would mean making a .dmg of one's custom application, like "make dmg". It does not mean TexasFlag itself would be packed as dmg.

I've done such earlier and it was not too difficult (but not trivial either).


After 35 minutes, I've not been able to get it to build :(

It being TexasFlag itself? On OS X? I've tested it with fink Lua and Cairo distributions. Anything else will need tuning.


