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Hi Lua-ists!

I was able to finish up the video luaWOW and also edit the luaRocks
videos. Enjoy!

luaWOW -
luaRocks -

Please let me know what you think! I won't be able to edit anymore
videos until I get the slides for the remaining presentations I was
able to videotape. They are:

wxLua Internals
John Labenski

Eliminating Cycles in Weak Tables
Alexandra Barros (PUC-Rio)

External Strings
Chip Salzenberg (Cloudmark)

Intelligent Programmable LCD Modules/Lua Integration
Michal Sieluzycki (Earth Computer Technology)

Lua at Sim Ops Studios
Aaron Tarnow (Sim Ops Studios)

If anyone can get in contact with these presenters and get their
slides, that would be great!

