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I'm working on a wrapper for LUA for VASmalltalk and I downloaded a version of Lua (which needs the VS2005 runtime) - I think, it was the Windows distribution. (I'm working under Vista)

First I noticed, that I was not able to call the lua5.1.dll, because it was said, that I call the c runtime in an incorrect way - after changing the manifest of my executable I was allowed to call the library. That is not very convenient.

But that's another story.

My main problem in understanding: When I executed with "loadstring" and "pcall" the program "a = 2 / 0" I got an division by zero exception - shouldn't pcall catch all errors ???

Then I build my own lua5.1.dll using Watcom 1.7a (I needed not only the cdecl calling conventions functions, but also stdcall calling-convention functions) and now pcall works as (I) expected and in "a" is something stored like "1.#inf".

What is the behaviour of pcall in this aspect ?

Any idea ?