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--- Stephen Kellett <> wrote:
> Q: I'm puzzled as to how you can support .Net
> without having any .Net 
> dependencies.
> Do you have a mechanism for detecting .Net then
> doing certain .Net 
> things if it is present. Rather like in C you could
> do GetModuleHandle() 
> then GetProcAddress() and call the function if both
> the DLL and the 
> function are present? Or are you just shipping an
> assembly which will do 
> nothing unless .Net is present?
.NET is a framework, like java. Here, lua to me is
pretty passive in that in can be 'embedded' in .NET,
which matches what lua is good at, being 'part' of
something. Which is what lua51.dll is about(and my
very first question). lua.exe is just a front end to
it, so is luac.exe or .NET, or java(I think there is
luajava that does similar thing as luainterface)

But if I run a plain lua.exe, I don't think I can get
across to .NET and use its vast libraries(may be
possible through luaCOM but I am not sure) though I
really hope it can be done.