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On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 11:06 PM, gary ng <> wrote:
a quick question:

does it use lua5.1.dll or lua51.dll ?

It includes both. One is just a proxy dll that points to the other.
The reason I ask is that when trying to run
luainterface(not 2.0 but 1.5.3 which allows using the
full range of C modules), I have problem making it
works with luabinaries(because of the name lua5.1.dll)

I need to compile lua 5.1.3 from source and use
lua51.dll instead.

Yes, I did try to modify the c# source to have it load
lua5.1.dll instead but some how it doesn't like it.

Given that this is a windows distro, I think having it
integrated with .NET would be nice(and may be a
requested feature in the future), think ASP.NET using
lua as the engine instead of C#/VB.NET(well there is
still some gluing needed).

This distro already includes a working LuaCOM if that helps.

Sorry I don't use .NET so I am naive in this area. To clarify, I looked into LuaInterface but could find that it was anything but a Lua binding for .NET. Is there some Lua module that can be included? This distros scope is not to include items to help you write or integrate Lua into your applications. That might come with time, but not for a while.
RJP Computing