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On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 8:35 AM, gary ng <> wrote:
> That is the exact reason why I think association is a
> bad idea. Without the association, they cannot run a
> .lua file(which 90% of the time is either not an 'app'
> or would flash a ugly black console box and go away
> giving th user no clue what is going on).

Very true, it's a frustrating thing. But many of those useful Lua
scripts are not interactive, they don't need anything from stdin.
Often their whole action is a side-effect on some files. Then the
problem is aesthetic, the dreaded black box flashing. For such
scripts, renaming them as .wlua solves the problem.  But I do see the
issue, however. Double-clicking is a world where the only verb you
have is 'run'!!

steve d .