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--- steve donovan <> wrote:
> Ah, but to Windows people it is completely logical
> to click on
> something to run it. 

That is the exact reason why I think association is a
bad idea. Without the association, they cannot run a
.lua file(which 90% of the time is either not an 'app'
or would flash a ugly black console box and go away
giving th user no clue what is going on).

This applies to not just lua but also python or perl
or ruby or any cross platform command line oriented

Even clicking on .BAT is not a very good idea but that
unfortunately cannot be changed. Have you tried to
click etc\luavc.bat in the source distribution ?

at least with something like a .wlua, it is more
likely that it is designed for windows and for that, I
have no objection of association.