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On Feb 2, 2008 6:18 PM, Wesley Smith <> wrote:
> On Feb 2, 2008 3:12 PM, Brandon Van Every <> wrote:
> > On Feb 2, 2008 5:54 PM, Wesley Smith <> wrote:
> > > Does
> > > premake only generate visual studio projects or can it use existing
> > > ones?  The latter is more what I'm after.
> >
> > I think that's asking for the moon.  Regarding MSVC as "the true
> > format," and translating it to everything else out there, just doesn't
> > sound tenable.  Microsoft doesn't even retain their format from MSVC
> > version to MSVC version, they change it every time.  CMake keeps up
> > with that BTW.  Some people use CMake solely to have a common build
> > for all the different MSVC versions, they don't do any cross-platform
> > work!
> >
> I think you misunderstood my statements.  I wasn't asking for a visual
> studio translator into say Xcode or Make.  I was asking if I could run
> premake scripts in for example cygwin and have it compile a list of
> visual studio projects.  I would never want to export any microsoft
> notion to another system.  I just happened to have well formatted MSVC
> projects that I want to use to build on windows and I want to build
> them all with a single script.  Can premake do that or do I have to
> generate the project with premake itself first?  That is my real
> question.

Well, you may not want to do it, but technologically it's the same
question.  MSVC --> native Premake is the same problem as MSVC -->
everything else.  That's why I think no build tool is likely to
provide this capability.  Suggest you apply some regex kung fu to your
MSVC projects and call it good.

Brandon Van Every