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KHMan <> writes:
> busybox is a small and terribly useful bit of
> software, and Lua has those same attributes, so it makes sense to
> have Lua in there, at least for people on this list.
> Unfortunately, we have to contend with religious/evangelist types
> brandishing other languages... the Lua community is however, not
> very skilled at creating and disseminating overblown hype, so we
> are at a disadvantage.

But practically speaking, is there any other language that can even
compete in this area (space-limited embedded systems)?

All the popular alternatives I know about (e.g. perl, python) are huge
bloated pigs with [typically] complicated installations, all of which is
a pretty big disadvantage regardless of how much some people might like
the languages...


P.S.  All information contained in the above letter is false,
      for reasons of military security.