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Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo writes:
> It would be even more useful if it contained longer
> comments.

Bertrand Mansion writes:
> It would be better as a blog though.

I agree on longer comments.  The terseness on some later items was because
examining each topic in full context involves a certain level of time
commitment, and some topics I am more interested in that others.

If anyone sees an important topic missing or not described in sufficient detail,
please either change or suggest a change on the wiki (which is better depends
whether writing by committee leads to enough consistency).

Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo writes:
> RSS feed

Yuri Takhteyev writes:
> In case there is any interest in moving to a wiki written in Lua,
> Sputnik solves this particular problem by offering per-page RSS feeds

Noted.  I don't have much interest myself in the RSS feed given , but one can be created by anyone at
any later time.