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Doug Currie <> writes:
> Not to mention the lack of Windows support for git:

Git "native" support for windows is flaky, but it does exist (and is
actively being developed).

However, AFAIK (I don't use windows myself) you can just use cygwin to
run git on windows and everything should work.

Of course, none of that should have any bearing on whether luaforge
supports git or not.  Ideally luaforge would just support every popular
SCS, and let the project maintainers decide what they want to use.

[For instance, a Lua interface to the X window system would be a natural
candidate for git -- X isn't important for windows users (so the state
of git windows support is irrelevant), and the xorg project uses git, so
X developers are used to it.]


P.S.  All information contained in the above letter is false,
      for reasons of military security.