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Andre Carregal wrote:
On 11/10/07, Ralph Hempel <> wrote:
I'm putting Lua on my Nokia 770 Internet Tablet int he next few
weeks and it should be a pretty straightforward port...

No doubt, Kepler 1.0 (Lua 5.0) has been running on Maemo for quite a
while and Kepler 1.1 (Lua 5.1) is also running on both n770 and n800.
Xavante has a very good performance on both devices.

I have Kepler install on the Nokia N770 in my list of things to do
as soon as I get the 2G RS-MMC card :-)

Since you are looking at the problem, maybe we can try to use the same
settings so we don't end up with two or more Lua libraries in Maemo.

I'm happy to contribute what I can. Time is a bit tight right now
but should be more available in the next months.

I'm also looking at deploying Kepler on a few computers at client
sites that do building monitoring, ad I'm curious to see if I can
build a web interface and also have Kepler do some logging
and notification for me as well.

Sorry, I wandered off the cell phone topic a bit.

Cheers, Ralph