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FastCGI, UNIX or WIndows?
I agree with the sentiment that Kepler is baggage on FastCGI.
I presume that you have recompiled liolib.c or a ccopy of it
with the FastCGI headers in place?
I recall a similar problem, but also cant recall the exact details.
Your problem probably is that liolib.c (from memory I think) saves
a copy of the stdout pointer, FastCGI initialization modifies the
address of stdouit before FastCGI saves its copy.


On 7/23/07, Drakas Tralas <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to assign a file handler to Lua using the C interface.
> For some reason, I get a Segmentation fault error at :write() method,
> and the debugger shows 'fwrite' as the source of the error.
> Can someone show me a good example of this?
> I was trying to integrate into magnet.c of
> ; Specifically I want ot be able
> to assign FCGI_stdin and FCGI_stdout to Lua so I could make a FastCGI
> application.
> And please don't mention the Kepler framework, I want something
> lighter than that.
> I searched through this mailing list and found exactly what was
> needed, but can't locate it now.
> Thanks for any help :)