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Refreshingly light message for a while!!!  :)

1. Lua is best for embedded cases where string handling etc. in C would _really_ suck. Lua is best for quick days when things need to be done to work (with as few lines as possible)

2. Lua is bad (if ever) for military/space/medical programs, where you'd actually want to wear a straightjacket. Use a strongly typed language (C# gets my favor) instead.


ps. Lua is written as Lua.  LUA is a Microsoft term (among others) Least_user_access

Haroon Khalid kirjoitti 13.7.2007 kello 22:33:

Hello everyone, how are you? I wanted to know what people think of Lua.

1. What situations are LUA best for?
2. What situations are LUA bad for?

example: games, web dev and so on...

Thanks, and its Friday! Time to hit up Fudruckers!
