On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:28:15 -0700, "Matthew Armstrong"
<turkeypotpie@gmail.com> wrote:
BUT, this flexibility comes at a price. When it comes to standard
tools, such as debuggers and development environments, I find lua
to be severely lacking. There are a lot of projects in the
works: luaedit, lua-ide, qde, vslua, VS lua lang pack,
luaeclipse, blua, luaplus remdebug, and others. _NONE_ of these
work for me, meaning they don't have the features I want (namely a
good debugger), or they are simply too buggy to use. I haven't
played around with ldb yet.
I've been using ldb for a couple of months now, and it has been VERY
helpful in getting my code working.