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Like PL/1, Emacs has so many features that when two users meet they likely teach each other tricks not in the other's working vocabulary.

In this case, it's dynamic abbreviations.  Hit M-/ and dabbrev will hunt around in the current buffer, buffers in other windows, etc to find possible completions for the stem before the cursor.

Some communities rely on this so heavily, incorrect dabbrev expansion is a standard bug to check for.

In the case of incrementing longVariableName, I'd just type "l" M-/ after the equals sign.
Sent from a Treo, excuse infelicities

-----Original Message-----
From: "Philippe Lhoste" <>
Sent: 4/13/07 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: What's up with token filters (Re: New operators?)

Thomas Lauer wrote:
> This sums it up beautifully. I love my += etc. in C/C++ but I'd much
> prefer Lua to keep its inherent cleanness. A small, orthogonal core like
> Lua's is worth a few (thousand) keystrokes.

Side note: with a good editor, you don't even have to type so much...
SciTE's autocompletion (which leaves room to improvement) can often 
propose to finish typing the long variable name, otherwise I often just 
double-click on the variable on the left and Ctrl+drag it to the right...
Yes, I am mostly a Windows user, it shows? :-D

I suppose other editors can have facilities with keyboard shortcuts.
Hey, in SciTE, one can even make a Lua macro to handle this: type "foo 
+=" and it transform it to "foo = foo +"...

Yet, I like the += operator, concise, readable and convenient.
But I reckon good reasons to leave it and its friends out of Lua have 
been given, so I won't ask them anymore! :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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