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Hello everyone!

How would you get/set a pixel using LuaSDL? I have this code:

function Image:GetPixel(x, y)
	local bpp = self.baseImg.format.BytesPerPixel
	-- Here p is the address to the pixel we want to retrieve
	local p = self.baseImg.pixels + y * self.baseImg.pitch + x * bpp

	return p

function Image:PutPixel(x, y, pixel)
	local bpp = self.baseImg.format.BytesPerPixel
	-- Here p is the address to the pixel we want to set
	local p = self.baseImg.pixels + y * self.baseImg.pitch + x * bpp;
	p = pixel

I tested the PutPixel method; it says self.baseImg.pixels is a userdata value.

Does anyone know how to do this? I basically copied the functions at '', but Lua doesn't have all those type conversions and pointer junk that C does, so I doubt I did a good job at it.

Thanks in advance!