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>> Sorry, maybe I am just a dunce, but I don't see any meaningful
>> opening... of course I would love to be proven wrong. Some niche
>> areas, like casual game platforms, have been well covered already, as
>> discussed in the IGDA Casual Games white paper.   
> There are applications that use multi-tier architectures with complex
> code both on server and on client sides. The way to go these days is
> either AJAX, Java, or platform specific rich client applications. Java
> is rather slow when doing complex GUI with lots of information. AJAX has
> a different programming language for the client and server part. Having
> a Lua plugin for Mozilla along with server side scripting in Lua would
> ease the development of big multi-tier applications with rich client
> interface and would still be portable. These are not meant to be used on
> the web but rather in corporations intranets, so that's probably a niche
> application. But most technologies start as a niche application.

This already exists. haXe ( is a language that can be
used to program both client and server side of a website. It targets
Flash and JS on the client side and Neko on the server side.
