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Kein-Hong Man wrote:
> Sorry, maybe I am just a dunce, but I don't see any meaningful
> opening... of course I would love to be proven wrong. Some niche
> areas, like casual game platforms, have been well covered already, as
> discussed in the IGDA Casual Games white paper.   

There are applications that use multi-tier architectures with complex
code both on server and on client sides. The way to go these days is
either AJAX, Java, or platform specific rich client applications. Java
is rather slow when doing complex GUI with lots of information. AJAX has
a different programming language for the client and server part. Having
a Lua plugin for Mozilla along with server side scripting in Lua would
ease the development of big multi-tier applications with rich client
interface and would still be portable. These are not meant to be used on
the web but rather in corporations intranets, so that's probably a niche
application. But most technologies start as a niche application.