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2007/2/22, Wesley Smith <>:
ODE is actually dual licensed LGPL/BSD.  I don't think Lua actually
has a license.  May I ask what issies you see with LGPL?

For example if I want to use your Lua/ODE binding in my commercial
application, but need to modify it to better fit my application engine
code, I would have to redistribute the source code of my
modifications. That's not the case with BSD/MIT licence. I can sell a
customized version of Lua while keeping my modifications

The BSD vs. GPL licence argument is almost as old as open source. It
always amaze me that it's the GPL camp that pretends to be the
defenders of freedom (and it upsets my french genes when they use the
term "libre") while they have one of the most restrictive open source

But anyway it's your right to choose LGPL for your work. However keep
in mind that it won't reach as wide an audience as Lua and ODE do. For
example Lua and ODE are commonly used in commercial games, but
anything with the letters GPL near it will be banned by any big enough
game publisher to avoid any legal risk (I work for one of these, and I
already have a hard time promoting Lua with its permissive licence).